Use of book covers in New Zealand schools and public libraries

Use of book covers in New Zealand schools and public libraries

A joint statement was recently issued by PANZ, NZSA, CLNZ, LIANZA and SLANZA concerning the use of book covers in schools and public libraries:
Authors, publishers and libraries have a shared interest in the use of book covers to promote books to readers. Library displays and catalogues can be enhanced by the use of the images from book covers.
The New Zealand Society of Authors, Publishers Association of New Zealand and Copyright Licensing New Zealand wish to provide some certainty for New Zealand libraries on the use of book covers. In circumstances where a book cover is being used for non-commercial purposes by a prescribed library (as defined in the Copyright Act 1994 Sec 50), libraries can reproduce the cover image without the need to seek specific permission. Copies made of book covers for displays, posters, catalogues, social media and websites where the purpose of the copying is to promote the book and/or the author would fall within the scope of this Statement.
Uses of book covers that would not be covered by this Statement would be any use that generated a financial return to the library e.g. using a cover image on book-marks for sale to library patrons.
When using a book cover libraries should consider the moral rights of the author, the designer and the creator of any artwork that may be on the book cover. The book cover should, where practical, be used as a whole image, or in such a way that the integrity of the cover is maintained.
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