Source material that is excluded from CLNZ licences
Source material that is excluded specifically from the CLNZ licences
Sometimes rightsholders may request that their works should be excluded from our licences. When this occurs licenceholders should seek permission from the rightsholder to copy the work unless they can do so within the scope of a fair dealing ...
Source material that is excluded through Creative Commons licences
A work that is stated to have a Creative Commons licence should not be considered to not be subject to copyright. A better way to look at these works is that the creator of the work has chosen to apply a more permissive kind of copyright in the form ...
Source material that is excluded through copyright law
Section 27 of the Copyright Act lists works that are excluded from copyright.
Overview of excluded materials
There are two general types of exclusions: Works that are excluded from copyright generally Works that are excluded specifically from the CLNZ licences It should be noted that the absence of a copyright statement alone cannot be taken to mean that a ...