Copyright for Secondary Teaching Staff
Secondary Teaching Staff Copyright Compliance Guide
This article summarises what teaching staff can do in an educational context with certain types of material to ensure that they remain compliant. If your proposed use is not covered, permission needs to be obtained from the copyright owner. ...
Internet Material
No implied licence You should assume there is copyright in all material made available on the internet unless the term of copyright has expired (in most cases this means that the author has been dead more than fifty years). There is no implied ...
Statutory Exceptions for Educational Use
Copyright Act The educational provisions under the Copyright Act, especially those that allow you to copy and supply extracts of print material for students, are restrictive. For many schools, the statutory rules have been superseded by collective ...
Material Covered by a Subscription Licence
It is likely that your school subscribes to various electronic databases, e-journals and e-books. The use of the content in subscription materials is generally governed by the terms in the separate licence agreement between the institution and the ...
Material Covered by Collective Licences
Collective licences are a valuable supplement to your organisation's database licences and other content acquisition arrangements. Collective licences Many schools take up collective licences that extend the use they can make of copyright content and ...
How to Stay Copyright Compliant
Identify the source of the material When it comes to preparing and distributing teaching materials for students, what you can do depends on the source of the copyright material you want to copy or use. Once the source is identified, you can determine ...
Use of Copyright Material in Teaching
Relevance of copyright for teaching staff Teaching staff deal with a range of copyright material when preparing course material and delivering lessons to students. Copyright compliance is not only a legal obligation, but a professional ...
What this Section is About
This section of the knowledge base provides information about copyright for teaching staff at schools in New Zealand. It focuses the issues relevant to the preparation and distribution of teaching materials such as course readings and explains what ...