Copyright in the Tertiary Education Sector
Use of book covers in New Zealand schools and public libraries
A joint statement was recently issued by PANZ, NZSA, CLNZ, LIANZA and SLANZA concerning the use of book covers in schools and public libraries: Authors, publishers and libraries have a shared interest in the use of book covers to promote books to ...
Material on the Internet
Most internet material is protected by copyright There is a vast array of content available on the internet, including articles, news items, e-books, photographs, music and video. Most of these materials are protected by copyright. As a general rule, ...
Tertiary Institution Copyright Licences
Licensing generally Tertiary education providers enter into licences to increase the amount of a work that can be copied for their students. A licence is essentially permission to make more use of a work than is otherwise allowed under copyright ...
Miscellaneous Permitted Uses
There is a collection of miscellaneous provisions which apply to particular uses of copyright material in specific circumstances, many of which may have relevance in a tertiary educational context. Some of these are summarised below: Incidental ...
Exceptions for Educational Use
Application of education provisions There is no general right for tertiary institutions to reproduce copyright material for students. However, there are a range of exceptions in the Copyright Act that apply specifically to the use of copyright ...
Fair Dealing
Importance Fair dealing is one of the most important permitted uses for tertiary students and researchers. When fair dealing applies there is no need to get permission from owners to use copyright works. In New Zealand, fair dealing allows any person ...
Own Works
Generally, if you have created copyright material which you own, you will not need to get permission to copy. However, care needs to be taken in making assumptions as to who owns certain rights in copyright material, because there may be restrictions ...
Where Copyright Does Not Apply
Using less than a substantial part Copyright issues do not arise unless there is use of a “substantial part” of a copyright work. In the educational sector, it is safe to assume that many uses of copyright material will involve a substantial or ...
Infringement of Copyright
What does it mean to infringe copyright? Copyright is infringed if a person does any of the restricted acts in relation to someone else’s copyright material, without the copyright owner’s permission. Actions that are not restricted will not infringe ...
What are the Rights Under Copyright?
Economic rights Copyright is known as an economic right because it gives authors the opportunity to derive an income from their creative effort. Once an original work is recorded in some way (such as on paper or on a digital file) the author ...
Works Protected by Copyright
Types of work The vast majority of material used in the tertiary education sector is capable of copyright protection. Copyright protects most original material that is intended to entertain or convey information. It applies regardless of any artistic ...
Tertiary Education Providers' Own Copyright Policies
Tertiary education providers have a responsibility to ensure that their staff and students comply with copyright rules. Most institutions have their own written copyright policies which outline expectations placed on their students and staff when ...
Key Principles
Copyright Act Copyright law is regulated by the Copyright Act 1994 which sets out the types of material that can be protected by copyright and how it applies to that material. It also sets out basic “default rules” regarding ownership of copyright in ...
Importance of Copyright to Tertiary Education
Copyright is everywhere Most information resources used (and produced) in the tertiary education sector are protected by copyright. Text books, journal articles, course packs, anthologies, software, lecture notes, theses, digital files, website ...
What this Section is About
This section of the knowledge base provides a general outline of aspects of copyright relevant to the New Zealand tertiary education sector. It highlights the importance of copyright to tertiary education and summarises the statutory framework for ...